Senin, 23 April 2012


What the meaning of service? hmmm,. it is important for business to create different with others. now, inovation of technology to creat new product or developt product is necessary for business company but it’s very hight cost and more research and development to do that. otherwise, time is limited and business company have to competitive with other company. get more market share, more profit and more customer, and sho, what should they do for solve that problem?
just have to DIFFERENT,.
Now, business company have to bergaining power and different with other. value add for business not only create new product or inovation of product but it can be perform from how to serve customer. service is strategy and Kotler has define what is service as any activity or benefit that one party can given to another  that is essentially intangible and does not result in he owneship of anything.
So, we can see that service is intangible. it’s can’t measure tend to be quantitative. it’s can measure with qualitative for quality of service. so, service is several thing that it more difficult to protect and copying and of competing services because service is intellectual property.
on the other hand, there are several perception for customer to satisfied of service. it’s depand on segmantation of customer, who are the customer? we can’t same service for different customers. every customer have different expectation and we just follow their expectation of service, something the need charity, speed and good product but otherwise some customer just needs speed or other.
Service is important thing to do not only for CS (Customer Service) but it is fo whole people in business company. from security guard or office boy until CEO. all people have to developt and responsibility of customer services. And it more good if business company not only services what customer need but also what customer want. Service is Completly of Customer who want to Be Satisfaction.